Hvers geturðu búist við af fundi með englaleiðsögn?
Hver einasta fundur er undir leiðsögn englanna og mun einblína á það sem þú vilt fá úr fundinum. Þeir eru mjög afslappaðir og þægilegir. Þau snúast allt um þig og það sem englarnir vilja vekja athygli þína á núna. Kathy er náttúrulega blíð og elskandi, svo þér líður vel þegar hún miðlar skilaboðunum til þín.
These sessions are tailored to meet your requirements. Kathy can give you an overview of your energy centres (chakras) and your energy bodies (auras) to help you understand you better. This is a personal journey of discovery and self-mastery. These sessions will give you tools, techniques, working to do between sessions and a wider perspective on becoming the best version of yourself.
Ask a quick question. Kathy will connect and share Angelic guidance with you.
Kathy, international author and speaker, spiritual life coach, intuitive angelic channeller, psychic, and healer is collaborating with Muna, AKA Marcia Escoffery, an award-winning singer, six times nominated by the public, as a member of one the best female gospel group in the UK, The Escofferys. She was signed to Atlantic Records USA during the early 90s.
This Sound Bath and Guided Meditation is crafted for the group’s intentions, which are stated verbally at the start of the session. After the intention is set, Kathy takes you on a guided meditation to a sacred space where you can let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and actions (our patterned behaviours) to clear the mind, body, and soul.
The soul sound healing with Muna, using the charka crystal singing bowls, along with the gong and many other instruments of sound will help release emotional blocks or hurts, whether from the past or present, to bring balance allowing you to relax even more deeply.
These sessions are tailored to meet your requirements and are booked as a block. Kathy can give you an overview of your energy centres (chakras) and your energy bodies (auras) to help you understand yourself better. This is a personal journey of discovery and self-mastery. These sessions will give you tools, techniques, work to do between sessions and a wider perspective on becoming the best version of yourself.
These packages are buy 5, get the sixth session free, and can be spread out to suit your availability during a 6-month period.
iThe Pathway to Access your Spiritual Gifts and to connect you firmly to your souls delights
Be enlightened flow with life This pathway is for people who wish to discover their spiritual gifts and would like to know how to work safely with them.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Butterfly is: Personal Transformation of your personality and life
Moving from one stage in your life to the next
Letting go and becoming light and playful.
Rising above things that bring you down
Connecting to the inner you, your soul Loving who you aretation to a sacred space where you can let go of limiting beliefs, thoughts, and actions (our patterned behaviours) to clear the mind, body, and soul.